“Be diferente, be unique” – O Instituto Instruzione Superiore Sandro Pertini em Alatri, Itália acolheu, de 17 a 23 de novembro, um grupo de 20  alunos  e 10 professores de seis países para mais uma mobilidade do Programa Erasmus + desta vez relativa ao Projeto “Art for  Inclusion’ sake”

Neste projeto participam Portugal, Espanha, Itália, Alemanha, Holanda e Turquia, tendo sido a nossa escola representada por Diogo Fernandes, Rafael Rodrigues, Francisco Gonçalves e  Sara Azevedo acompanhados pela docente Anabela Teixeira e pela Diretora Teresa Sá Pires. Sendo o Instituto Pertini a escola coordenadora do projeto, foi também a anfitriã desta primeira mobilidade.

Esta semana de acolhimento dividiu-se entre atividades didáticas, excursões, a participação numa mostra de arte e a realização de um seminário sobre a história e a cultura de Alatri.

O tema de trabalho para esta semana de mobilidade foi: “Be different, be unique” e de acordo com esta temática foi realizada uma atividade em que os alunos tiveram que aceder ao espaço twinspace (na plataforma etwinning) e aí expor as suas opiniões respondendo à questão:  How does first impression limit our perspectives?

“A first impression limits our perspective because we are used to use our first impressions for everything, but sometimes you forget to look from other perspectives because of your first impression. (A., Holanda)

“My first impression is that all Italians are very nice and friendly. The food is also very good and delicious, but it is a different taste in comparison to German food.

It is so cool to talk to all the persons from different nations. The school system is also very different from Germany.” (J., Alemanha)

“We all know that prejudices can, and actually are, very harmful. Society has guide us to a point where being different is something wrong, we are growing in a society that thinks that not being who you really are because of the fear of not being accepted, is normal. And I can tell it is not. At this point, people worry more about what people think of them, than what they truly are. And we are losing ourselves to be what the rest of the people expect us to be.

In conclusion, first impressions are never true, mainly because we are not even close to be what we project to the rest of the people. (P., Alemanha)

E o que disseram os nossos alunos?

“In my opinion, first impressions can easily limit our perspectives because they can take us to wrong conclusions. Of course we can change our perspective with time. However, first impressions will always influence the way we communicate with people when we meet for the first time. For example, when a new person comes to our school, my friends always judge her for her appearance or background. Usually they form a wrong idea of the person. Although, when they start finding out her real personality, they change their minds and they realize that she is a nice person (…) I have to search for the  real essence of people and things. In fact, even if my first impressions are wrong and false, I cannot let them limit the way I am or the way I lead with people.” (Sara, Portugal)

Mas nem só de trabalho se fez esta semana e, ainda que só por um dia, as escolas participantes tiveram oportunidade de visitar Roma e foi um sem fim de fotografias: no Coliseu, na Fontana di Trevi, no Monumento a Victor Emmanuel, na Praça Navone, enfim, em cada rua, praça ou esquina …! Após estes dias que se passaram tão rápido, ficam também as opiniões dos participantes  sobre esta experiência.


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